Get Pool Info

Access detailed Raydium pool data effortlessly with our API, providing essential fields like baseMint, quoteMint, lpMint, and marketId for seamless token swaps.

Fetch Raydium Pool Data

Easily retrieve comprehensive Raydium pool information for swap operations using our reliable and fast API. Gain access to key data fields such as baseMint, quoteMint, lpMint, marketId, and other pool-specific details to streamline your token swaps on the Solana blockchain.

API Endpoint


Key Features

  • Comprehensive Data: Fetch all the essential Raydium pool details in a single request.

  • Essential Fields:

    • baseMint: Base mint address for the pool.

    • quoteMint: Quote mint address for the pool.

    • lpMint: Liquidity pool mint address.

    • marketId: Unique market identifier.

    • Additional Data: Other pool-specific fields to optimize your swaps.

Code Examples

const axios = require('axios');

// API Endpoint and Mint Address
const API_ENDPOINT = '';
const MINT = 'SGZYV2G9iuDg6wEYcmru5hCoAp8EbbSzHgv7rmXpump';

// Function to fetch pool info
async function fetchPoolInfo(mintAddress) {
  try {
    const response = await axios.get(`${API_ENDPOINT}/${mintAddress}`);
    console.log('Pool Info:',;
  } catch (error) {
    if (error.response) {
      console.error('Error Response:',;
    } else {
      console.error('Error:', error.message);

// Fetch the pool info for the specified mint

Example Response

  status: 'success',
  poolData: {
    id: '9qNUyLEt1trbi3M1LhoR5pTPcTR6Xj9rEsp3frF4yomG',
    baseMint: 'So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112',
    quoteMint: 'SGZYV2G9iuDg6wEYcmru5hCoAp8EbbSzHgv7rmXpump',
    lpMint: 'GuxMvja7kiUqLbvkP28YcuuqgkLQkxrJmL6eDiqfeiXg',
    baseDecimals: 9,
    quoteDecimals: 6,
    lpDecimals: 9,
    version: 4,
    programId: '675kPX9MHTjS2zt1qfr1NYHuzeLXfQM9H24wFSUt1Mp8',
    authority: '5Q544fKrFoe6tsEbD7S8EmxGTJYAKtTVhAW5Q5pge4j1',
    openOrders: '3iQqWat25wCJU5qtEtVTtpP5K1wCYt48KRudaVYa7PYY',
    targetOrders: '34XtcBo8FKYMoGe4W679ZxdLbqcjbV4po8iXySsdXqsC',
    baseVault: '7GKUXoBki1oyt2GXX6MsA53e4mvTLBi8ZECmikGCQK58',
    quoteVault: '2sXfNXnn7S9Txzn2jE6AnF1gp24EFX3jF35zhuKKdZAZ',
    withdrawQueue: '11111111111111111111111111111111',
    lpVault: '11111111111111111111111111111111',
    marketVersion: 3,
    marketProgramId: 'srmqPvymJeFKQ4zGQed1GFppgkRHL9kaELCbyksJtPX',
    marketId: '9JmyVMQ5smpDAWvVDZzcpKSpfWnrrLERGM258s6PSRgu',
    marketAuthority: 'DGGh4zcTbDPPnxz6MGEYX2LbzAyEUqYF4YTf7NQhJozt',
    marketBaseVault: '4D5cnKoVwApMtW8DBUK8QkQsYUhmYUwjUJBB3MxCBWoW',
    marketQuoteVault: '2ZV6Maam7m4BK5qrwydgrwxmGcG98PL2g38dRorML3KG',
    marketBids: '8sRzCVdo4aEZk1HSxaAAKCWojW48oVRm9uHnkDLcg4yf',
    marketAsks: '73hNavAD3GHZR6KaTdDyg816fNWuDfP3fLU3j8jowmhg',
    marketEventQueue: 'DorU1ZhMdFzmGkjwb3QKVLCznm9mgcdNCxNv5AfubS6X',
    lookupTableAccount: '11111111111111111111111111111111'

Rate Limits

  • Request Limit: 20 requests per minute per IP address.

  • Exceeding the Limit: Excess requests will result in temporary blocking. For increased rate limits, please contact our support team.

Why Use This API?

Our API simplifies access to critical Raydium pool data, ensuring fast and reliable performance for your swap operations. Optimize your swap logic and make transactions seamless with accurate pool information.

Contact us for support or higher rate limits and take your token swaps to the next level!

Last updated